What is Digital Marketing – Types of Digital Marketing

If we go back 2 or 3 decades ago, we will find that people would be considered fools if they have invested time and money in Digital Marketing. Days passed and technology started growing, which also enhanced the glory of Digital Marketing.

Digital Marketing is playing a vital role in the current tech-based era, let it be a small or large business they have embraced Digital Marketing.

It is considered cheaper and easier to execute than print media and advertising on TV and Radio.

So here in this article let’s follow the trend, let us understand a short brief of Digital Marketing and the types of Digital Marketing.

What is Digital Marketing?

Digital Marketing is on the rise because customers are increasingly present on Online Channels. Nearly 30 percent of consumers would rather interact with brands via social channels versus going to the store. 

Digital Marketing is well known as Online Marketing, it is the promotion of brands to connect with their potential clients using the internet and online forms of Digital Marketing.

This includes not only email, social media, and web-based advertising.

Types of Digital Marketing

There are various types of Digital Marketing, but as per Digital Marketing experts, it is said that the whole Digital Marketing lies under 11 categories.

  • Search Engine Marketing
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Pay-Per-Click
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Content Marketing
  • Email Marketing
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Television Advertising
  • Radio Advertising
  • Viral Marketing/Video Marketing
  • Mobile Marketing

SEM (Search Engine Marketing)

For SEM (Search Engine Marketing) brands pay for ads to appear on the top results of SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages). It includes both organic and paid searches. You can find paid search ads on any search result page. The website link contains an “Ad” designation to let users know that it is paid placement.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) helps the business to rank higher on Google search results. The process includes where SEO marketers search for phrases or terms in their content. This helps the business to rank on SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages). What all happens in SEO depends on the current Google Algorithms that keep on changing.  Here are a few things for SEO strategists that you need to know about SEO and how it works.

1) Content Indexing 

Content indexing is a term that allows search engines to clearly “read” the content that your website contains. 

It is important that search engines can “crawl” your site structure to easily find all the content on your website. Here, SEO experts can easily format links, build URLs, and create sitemaps to make accessible site crawlers.

3) Add and target keywords

Deploying keywords properly will help your website to rank and also helps your website to show on SERPs with that particular keyword.

But apart from this, keyword stuffing is never suggested nor appreciated because the search engines have become smarter now and such practices will only downgrade your website on SERPs.


Pay-per-click is a form of paid advertising that allows marketing teams to essentially purchase traffic to their website. Marketers place ads on websites or search engines such as Google and Microsoft Bing and pay a fee each time the ad is clicked on. 

Social Media Marketing

Yes, you guessed it right!

Promoting or marketing a business with the help of Social Media is called Social Media Marketing. There are many social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linked In, etc. We can go on and on, but before investing money and time in Social Media Marketing you need to understand the target audience and details of Social Media platforms and Social Media Marketing.

Now, what do mean by understanding details about social media platforms?

Through campaigns and targeted ads, the goal is to grow your following on social media in the hopes of gaining more business through these platforms. Sites like Facebook collect data about your likes and interests, as well as personal factors like age, location, etc.

Content Marketing

Content marketing will not only transform your passive website but also increase your active users. Content marketing includes several things in it such as blogs, vlogs, images, infographics, etc. But the content will value only when you are adding value to your customer’s requirements or desires. 

Content marketing should be a long-term investment, and SEO needs to be worked on constantly in order to yield results.

Email Marketing

Email Marketing is another form of marketing that involves marketing with the help of Emails. The use of email within your marketing efforts to promote a business’s products and services, as well as incentivize customer loyalty. Email marketing is a form of marketing that can make the customers on your email list aware of new products, discounts, and other services. It can also be a softer sell to educate your audience on the value of your brand or keep them engaged between purchases. It can also be anything in between. Mailchimp can help you design, build, and optimize your email marketing to get the best ROI in your marketing program.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is an online sales tactic that lets a product owner increase sales by allowing others targeting the same audience “affiliates” to earn a commission by recommending the product to others. At the same time, it makes it possible for affiliates to earn money on product sales without creating products of their own.

Television Marketing

Despite the internet’s popularity in today’s digital world, television plays a vital role in most of our households. Television advertising is the most effective way of advertising in recent years. Television advertising allows you to showcase your business and product to a wide range of audiences.

  • Television reaches a larger audience compared to local newspapers.
  • Viewers are more attentive.
  • It allows you to convey your brand’s message with motion and sound that is more interactive.

Radio Advertising

Radio advertising is all about buying commercials to promote products or services. Advertisers pay commercial radio stations for airtime and, in exchange, the radio station broadcasts the advertiser’s commercial to its listening audience.

  • Lock into your potential customers and increase the frequency of delivering messages.
  • Sound gets easily stored in memory.
  • Radio Advertising is cost effective.

Video Marketing

Video marketing can give you several perks for enhancing your business, because it is memorable as well as measurable. 

  • Marketing that is using videos are helping companies to grow by 49% faster.
  • 90% of customers believe that video helps them in decision making for buying the product.
  • People prefer video marketing over newspapers, templates and newsletters.

Mobile Marketing

Mobile marketing is a digital marketing strategy that aims to reach the target audience through their smartphones.

As people have shifted their attention to smartphones and mobiles, marketers have taken the advantage of this thing and started using it as omni-channel engagement.

  • Almost everyone is having their mobiles and therefore the target audience is high.
  • Average smartphone users check their phones 47 to 50 times a day.
  • With the help of mobile marketing, you can reach people at any place.
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Samidha Narkar

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