5 Steps to Create An Inbound Marketing Plan

An Inbound Marketing Plan creates the foundation for your Inbound Marketing Strategy. It focuses on laying out a plan for all the activities that would help drive audience interest in your business. It helps you to deliver valuable content to your audience through each of their lifestyle stages and touch points. It provides you with a precise action plan to build trust among your audience by solving some of their key problems. Let’s take a glance at some of the steps for creating an Inbound Marketing Plan.

Here in this article let us understand the accurate Inbound Marketing Plan for digital marketing success.

How to Create an Inbound Marketing Plan?

  1. Know your Customers

The very first thing is to know about your customer’s persona for your business. A developed and documented personas will always be centered by ab effective inbound marketing. Target personas are semi-fictitious representations of your ideal target customers that allow you to more effectively create messaging that connects with your audience. 

Target personas don’t have to be difficult or complex. Just spend 30 minutes thinking about who your ideal customer is and jot down some notes on:

  • Age range
  • Job function or title
  • Professional background
  • Defining characteristics
  1. Set your goals

The first thing you need to do when building your 2020 inbound marketing plan is to define your goals for the program. This is really important, for a couple of reasons.

First, writing down your goals and including them in a written plan ensures that all stakeholders are on the same page and allows you to set and manage expectations.

Second, it’s important to have an idea of what success looks like so that you can properly build your plan. Companies that want to increase website traffic by 50% are going to need a much more robust inbound plan than companies that are only aiming for 10% visitor growth, for example. Creating goals upfront will give your marketing team an indicator of how much inbound content you’ll need to create.

  1. Competitors research

Before starting with Inbound Marketing it is necessary that you know all your competitors and exactly what strategy they are using. The things which you need to check while doing competitor’s research are, how big is their website, how actively they post stuff on Social Media, whether they write blogs or not, and what is their USP (Unique Selling Point). 

  1. Keyword Research

Keyword research helps you to enlist the queries that your target audience is actively searching online. You can develop your content strategy around these keywords and reach your audience with solutions to their problems. This strategy has two basic advantages:

  • It makes you understand a few problems that your consumers are facing.
  • With the help of appropriate keywords, it improves the chances of ranking higher on the search results.
  1. Create a content strategy

Once you’ve identified who you want to reach and what drives them, mapped their buying journey, and researched the key phrases that they use to search online, you’re ready to put together your inbound content strategy, a central document to your plan. 

In your content strategy, be sure to include:

  • Content offers for all stages of the buyer’s journey
  • Blogging calendar
  • Email marketing schedule

When you’re creating your content strategy, also be sure to include plenty of video assets. In 2020 and in the foreseeable future, the internet will be largely made up of video. Quite frankly, if you want to do inbound marketing well, your company needs to embrace video as a central tactic.

Videos as part of an effective inbound marketing strategy don’t need to be complicated or even professionally produced. Just a handful of short and sweet, one- to three-minute authentic videos is usually enough to set you apart from your competitors.

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Samidha Narkar