What is Google Remarketing & How does it work?

As per recent studies Remarketing is considered to be highly powerful for Brand building, it is a form of Online Advertising. Google Remarketing is nothing but retargeting to your existing audience. Basically, Google Remarketing can be considered spam if done in real life. Spam just because it can be also called the process of stalking your customers. But Google Remarketing is totally legal, as they are just keeping track of their audience and retargeting them. 

So here in this article, let us understand what exactly Google Remarketing is and how does it work.

What is Google Remarketing?

Google Remarketing is the process of connecting with your audience who have already interacted or tried to connect previously with your website. This is a strategic way of positioning your advertisement to the audience who have already interacted with your brand, services, or website. And by reminding them you can ask them to complete their incomplete purchase.

How does Google Remarketing work?

It is a quite simple procedure, there are some chances that you might have seen those boxes which appear on your screen once you visit some website. The box asks you to “Accept” or “Decline”, so once you accept you will be tracked by your website, and if you decline it, the search done by you won’t be tracked. 

To use this service, you will have to add a simple code which is also known as a pixel to your website. This pixel will enable google to include visitors to your remarketing audiences by using browser cookies. 

These cookies have a unique ID that is automatically added to your remarketing list. Similarly, you can create multiple cookies that will allow you to target your customers who visit your website’s different pages. 

Google Remarketing allows you to control the duration for which this unique cookie ID stays active in your marketing list, it also allows you to set the number of caps per on the number of views per audience member. It is also possible to segregate your audience based on demographics, geolocations, interests, income, etc. 

Here I will explain to you my personal experience, so recently I have visited a beauty product website, added a few products to the cart but ended up without buying them. Now the website and its ads are following me everywhere on every social media platform and the links which I visit. So as I was leaving their website without completing the buying process and also have fulfilled some criteria while browsing the website. They can now easily track me and pop their ads on the other website.

What are the benefits of Google Remarketing?

  • Produce reach

Through Google Remarketing you can show your ads to the people who have already interacted with your website or products when they are searching for something and ready to buy some product. This will surely help you to gain more leads and remind your existing audience to make their purchase.

  • Focused Advertising

With the help of Google Remarketing, you can create a remarketing list for a few specific cases. Let’s take an example – You can create a remarketing list for those people who might have visited your website and added a product to their cart and ended up without buying it. 

  • Create Ads Easily

There are Ad layouts available in Ad Gallery, so you can easily produce images, videos, and texts with the help of available layouts.

  • Get Campaign Statistics

With the help of Google Remarketing, you can get the reports of your campaign and know the details of how they are performing, where your ads are shown, and what price you have to pay for the same.

On Google Network, Google Remarketing is one of the powerful Google Network, which helps to tailor your ad copy and make them reach a specific kind of audience.

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Samidha Narkar